They’ve arrived!!

DSCF1684Sorry it’s taken me so long… these first few days at home have been, well, rough. The twins are already a week old today. I can honestly say now that having one newborn would be soooooo easy right now.. LOL  We closed smoothly on our new house the Monday before they were born.  I bet the ink wasn’t even dry on the closing papers and we were already moving stuff in.  We’ve been blessed with family and friends helping us out trememdously. I don’t know what we would have done without them.

Every free moment I have, I find myself juggling with priority. Do I organize my linen closet, or sift through a box or two.  Do I catch up on email and blogging, or do I try and catch a couple winks myself.  Or maybe I could take a shower that lasts longer than just a wet down.

So, while I have maybe a moment or two, I wanted to at least pop in and give you all the stats, and then more of a birth story later.

Baby A: Blake William, 7lbs 3oz, 20in, 8:25am
Baby B: Brady Cornell, 7lbs even, 20.5in, 8:26am

Yes, that’s right folks, that’s over 14 pounds of baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder I was soooo huge!! So far they appear to be indentical! Every feature one has, the other has. Dave still won’t let me cut off their id bands, he’s afraid we’ll mix them up. LOL

Breastfeeding is going, shall I say…. non-stop!!! Gavin is just ecstatic about his baby brothers, he loves them to death and is so proud of them. He calls them HIS babies.

Oh yeah, pictures, I suppose you all want to see more pictures, right? Here’s a link, Meet the Twins

8 Responses to “They’ve arrived!!”

  • They are incredibly beautiful!

    Wow- a full 7 lbs each. How amazing!

    (but you know these things 😉

    Thank you to you and your family for sharing the photos 🙂

    Blake and Brady, it is excellent to meet you. Welcome.

    Congratulations! Especially to the new big brother 🙂

  • Kim:

    Oh Jennifer they are just precious!!! Thank you so much for updating and sharing pictires with us.

    Just seeing them makes me want another one 🙂

    Congratulations on everything… the babies, the house…


  • Congrats! What blessings!


  • Congratulations!! They are sooo totally cute! I know what you mean about the priorites. Are you able to breastfeed them at the same time? I’ve been wondering how you would breastfeed twins – it has to be non-stop! I’m non-stop with just one 🙂

  • Terri:

    Congratulations! They are beautiful. I know it’s been a long time since I was here last, but I didn’t even know! Take care and I promise to read faithfully from now on.

  • TJ:

    Jen- what can i say? WOW!!! You did a great job. I am sure it was very difficult carrying 14 lbs of baby. They are just precious. BTW, very strong sounding names. Can’t wait to hear more as they grow.

  • shea:

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! They are just lovely! And I love their names! You are in for So. Much. Fun!!!

  • Happy one month birthday!! 🙂

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