Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone has a wonderful Turkey Day tomorrow. I’m looking forward to going over to my mother-in-laws. I’m such a family oriented person and I absolutely love my in-laws. Anyway, don’t eat too much!

Streets Are Safe Once Again

There has been reason for great caution and concern since October around here in my neighborhood. There has been 2 rapes. This rapist targets women who are home alone and attacks them while their children witness the act. One woman was attacked as she came home from taking her baby for a walk.

It was announced on the news today that the guy has been caught. They are absolutely positive he is the perpetrator.  It is such a relief that this creep is behind bars.

Happy Halloween

DSCF2243Our first Halloween in our new house. There were quite a few kids. More in this neighborhood than in our old neighborhood. We actually ran out of candy.

Dressed the twins up in their little Harley Davidson outfits. They received lots of “aww” and “how cute” comments. For me the best part of Halloween, is being the parent of a child that trick or treats. Gavin came home with quite a bit of Halloween loot and I’ve had a monster sweet tooth lately, so invading his loot after he goes to bed is the best part of Halloween in my book. Gavin dressed up as Darth  Vader. He couldn’t wait for Halloween to arrive. He’d been looking forward to it for over a month now. He just loves it. DSCF2240

Monopoly Anyone?


It’s that time again.  I don’t know what it is that draws me to play, but I am hooked every time. Maybe I think that this time I’ll get that rare game piece needed to collect some grand prize.  I even have my aunt saving her pieces for me. I always upsize my value meal so that I can get that extra bonus game piece. I’m obsessed I tell you. Whenever I eat in, I look around at other peoples meals and watch. I’m horrified when I see someone throw away their drink cup or sandwich box with game pieces on them. What if that was the winning game piece!?? Aack!! Thank goodness I still haven’t resorted to lurking around the McD’s garbage cans.

I seriously need to find other things to get me excited.

Special Dinner Guest

Tonight we had a super hero at our dinner table. He wore a black dracula cape, purple swimming goggles and batman underwear. That’s it, just those three things. Gotta love it!

They’ve arrived!!

DSCF1684Sorry it’s taken me so long… these first few days at home have been, well, rough. The twins are already a week old today. I can honestly say now that having one newborn would be soooooo easy right now.. LOL  We closed smoothly on our new house the Monday before they were born.  I bet the ink wasn’t even dry on the closing papers and we were already moving stuff in.  We’ve been blessed with family and friends helping us out trememdously. I don’t know what we would have done without them.

Every free moment I have, I find myself juggling with priority. Do I organize my linen closet, or sift through a box or two.  Do I catch up on email and blogging, or do I try and catch a couple winks myself.  Or maybe I could take a shower that lasts longer than just a wet down.

So, while I have maybe a moment or two, I wanted to at least pop in and give you all the stats, and then more of a birth story later.

Baby A: Blake William, 7lbs 3oz, 20in, 8:25am
Baby B: Brady Cornell, 7lbs even, 20.5in, 8:26am

Yes, that’s right folks, that’s over 14 pounds of baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder I was soooo huge!! So far they appear to be indentical! Every feature one has, the other has. Dave still won’t let me cut off their id bands, he’s afraid we’ll mix them up. LOL

Breastfeeding is going, shall I say…. non-stop!!! Gavin is just ecstatic about his baby brothers, he loves them to death and is so proud of them. He calls them HIS babies.

Oh yeah, pictures, I suppose you all want to see more pictures, right? Here’s a link, Meet the Twins

Where I've Been

For well over a month now, Dave and I have been looking for a new house. It’s been one frustration after another. Wondering if we should wait till after the twins come.. or try an find something before they come. Will the babies come home to the house we’re in now? Or any new house we might find?? We’ve literally looked at over 30 houses in the last month. We found one a tad out of our price range, but we made an offer on it as an investment. The house was in a divorce battle, and our offer got so messed up, had to go through the courts and everything; it didn’t go through how we had hoped, and the counter offer set up through the courts was too far out of our price range. Another offer was coming through at that time and Dave and I needed to make a final decision. I told him, it obviously wasn’t meant to be, if our original offer had gone through, it was meant to be. I told him, we’ll just keep looking.

Most of my time online had literally been spent on realtor websites. Dave was beginning to get really depressed that that houses in our price range were just junk and needed too much work. So I spent one final evening online, got a little more picky/specific in my search criteria, and made sure no houses came up over our budget.

Last week we were shown 7 houses.. (yes big & fat with twins me was touring houses). My MIL is a realtor so it made things so much easier to look around. 2 of the 7 we didn’t even go in, the curb appeal alone (or lack there of I should say) told us it wasn’t even worth seeing the inside. Finally, the last house we looked at. It was the one. Truthfully, Dave and I liked a couple of the houses, but it was the last one that had everything we needed for our family. 4 bedrooms (2 upstairs, 2 downstairs).. 2 FULL bathrooms… yes 2 FULL bathrooms (one upstairs, one downstairs).. and an almost fully finished basement. Hardwood floors almost all throughout the house. Nice big covered porch. ALL appliances, including washer and dryer. But I just got a new dryer, and Dave promised me a new washer, so we’re switching those out, and the fridge. I like the side-by-side we have rather than the top freezer one in the new house, so those will be switched.

We put in an offer the next morning… and it was accepted the same day!!! And our offer was $12,000 less than the offer we put in on the first house.. and $20,000 less than the counter offer we got back on the first house too. It’s move in ready!! TOTALLY SPOTLESS!!! Not a speck of mold in either bathroom!! All the hardwood has been refinished, every room freshly painted, and a new laminate floor in the kitchen. I love it!!! We hope to close on Monday!!!!!

I’m so excited!! Now, if we can just close on Monday, and the twins hold out till the scheduled c-section next Friday, we can hopefully bring them home to a new house!!! Talk about cutting it close. However, I’m still ready here in this house for the twins should they want to come early. I told Dave, we can talk all we want about how we’ll be able to bring the twins home to the new house BUT if they come on their own in the next 5-7 days, I had to be ready here.

SO… that’s what’s been going on, and what’s been occupying most of my time lately. So keep your fingers crossed for us that we have a smooth closing on Monday, and that the twins STAY PUT until c-section next Friday (the 27th).

Be sure and check out the recent belly pictures on my Belly Blog.

Cat Fight

At close to 4am last night this morning we were awoken by this horrible horrible wailing noise.  Dave said it sounded like a baby crying.  Our bed is up against a window in the front of our house.  Just outside the window there were two cats in a stare down, growling, hissing, wailing, crying.  Dave gets up to try and scare them away.  As I’m laying there I hear this pop, the kind of pop you make when you puff your cheeks and pop your finger out the side of your mouth (that’s the best way I can think to describe it).  I look outside, and here’s Dave, in his underwear, on the porch, with Gavin’s wooden toy pop gun, trying to scare the Tom cats away from our house.  The cats attacked each other and ran off to the side of the house.  Eventually all was quiet and Dave returns to bed.  "How’d Gavin’s pop gun work for you?" I asked when he returned.  He laughed and said it was all he could think of to grab. I knew one of the reasons I married him was that he could think fast on his feet. My hero.

Pucker Up

This pregnancy is truly starting to kick my ass.  I have completed 6 months of my term and already I feel like my due date should be tomorrow.  My husband laughs sometimes.  How I wish I could find a place that could simulate pregnancy for him.  I’ve seen it done on tv and I think even Paris and Nicole tried on the pregnancy suit for an episode in Simple Life Season 4.  Carrying twins, I think, is a whole new ball game.

Last Sunday my mother and I went to the International Women’s Show for the 4th year in a row.  We even brought a wheelchair just incase I needed it.  But I managed to walk around.  Whenever I needed to rest, I’d walk up to a booth and ask to borrow a chair for a few minutes.  It worked out great.  One booth was for Great Lips RX lip plumper.  My mom is a huge sceptic when it comes to this stuff.  The woman selling the stuff raved that her product was the real deal.  We were able to sample it then walk around a bit while it did it’s job and then see for ourselves if we don’t notice a difference.  The first 5 minutes of wearing this stuff was like you were being tattoo’d on your lips.  She did said it may tingle a bit for the first few minutes.  Ran into a friend of mine as she was leaving, mom and I were walking to the ATM.  Mentioned to my friend we had sampled this lip plumper, another gal with her looks at me and says "you don’t need it".. well that’s because I had already been wearing it for 20 minutes.  My mom about died looking at me.  I pulled out a pocket mirror in my purse and when I saw my lips I could not stop laughing. They were HUGE. This stuff works!

We went back to the booth and both my mom and myself bought a tube at the discounted special show price of $25.  We were instructed to put it on 3 times a day for one month.  But when the woman at the booth saw my lips she said I was a once a day person.  The tingling stinging is less each time it’s applied.  I’ll have to take some before and after pictures.

New Blog Added

I’ve created a photo blog containing progressive belly pictures. I’m still playing around with the design, so bare with me. I’ll be taking a belly picture every Wednesday and try to post it every Thursday. See link in the right sidebar, titled "Belly Blog"


Shack Clutter