
Today is my sister’s birthday. She’s the one person on this earth that I can’t live without. We’ve always been together. I miss her all the time since she moved away a handful of years ago. It’s hard not being able to be around her as often as I wish. When I’m with her, my heart smiles and I feel comfort. Can sisters be soulmates? I think so. And that’s just what she is to me. Laughing with her is the greatest thing on earth. So Happy 36th Birthday, Renee!! I love you very much.

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It’s that time of year again. I’m hoping to succeed this year. It’s National Blog Posting Month. I’ve joined the NaBloPoMo Community and vow to at least try and post every day this month. Last year I posted twice the entire month of November. One would think I did that to make a mockery of NaBloPoMo, but in all honesty, I was just a bad blogger. Now, I don’t really have a life outside if diaper changes and breastfeedings, so to sit at my computer each night and peek into the lives of other bloggers is like my own little vacation each night.

My Space

space My In-Laws were in town from Florida last week. They stopped by this morning to say good-bye before heading to airport to go home. They snapped a shot of me and the boys in “our spot” This is where I’ve been for the past 3 months, this is where I’ve slept sitting up, eaten and pretty much lived since the twins were born. On the right side there is a tray-table on which contains my personal supplies, water bottle, phone, tv remote, pen, nail clippers & nail file, lip balm, and other odds and ends. Underneath that tray-table is my twin nursing pillow and a package of wipes to refill the wipes container. On the end table in the corner is baby supplies; diapers, wipes, change of baby clothes, fresh cloth diapers for burp clothes, washclothes, baby nail clippers, baby lotion, cradle cap ointment, a clock, some reading material (twins book, baby book), and my address book because I’ve been trying for over a month now to get out my new address announcements. What you don’t see in the picture, at my feet, are 2 bouncy seats and on the other end of the couch is my boppy and the babys’ activity mat. Excuse the plain walls.. someday I’ll get to decorate my new house. I’m wearing my leopard print jammies that I’m still wearing as I type this some 13 hours later. It’s after 1am, the boys have been asleep since 10pm. I’ll go join them in bed shortly, and around 8am I’ll be back in that spot when the cycle starts again.

Other twin moms say this shall pass.. I have to say it is a lot easier now than it was when they were new-newborn. I’ve advanced from taking it one day at a time to now one week at a time. But in all honesty, I’m glad this photo was taken. It’ll remind me of these days later on.. and I can show it to them. All I gotta say is they better appreciate.

An End to Fumblings

As promised in my old blog, I’ll explain what happened and why I had to put an end to my Fumblings blog. It is unfortunate, but I had to do it.

Many years ago I met a guy. We went on a couple dates but ultimately remained just friends. We’ve always had this spiritual connection, it’s so hard to explain. My mom knows what I mean. It’s as if you’ve always known the person. As if you were connected somehow from another place. another time. another life. We’ve remained in contact with one another for about 11 years. He’s always been someone I respected and admired. He was polite, and soft hearted.

The past 6 months he hadn’t been returning my emails. I was beginning to worry. I sent him a couple text messages to his cell phone. Turns out they weren’t going to him anymore and his number wasn’t his number anymore. So anyway I was dumb founded that we’d completely lost touch for the first time in 11 years. I knew he had moved out to Arizona, so I looked him up. found his home number.

The last we chatted, he was getting engaged, so I wasn’t surprised to hear a female voice answer. Found out my friend was in Iraq, sub-contracted through the military. He’s a computer programmer. Her and I chatted for about 10 minutes. She seemed very sweet. Told her about the twins. She asked me to email her pictures. I told her "C" and I had been friends for a long time. She said she’d tell him I called.

Later that evening we get a "private call" some woman asking to speak to Dave. Dave said it was some chick asking that I not call her husband anymore. That she’s uncomfortable knowing that he and I used to date. It was just all so weird to me. Something wasn’t sitting right with me. Dave and I didn’t bring it up much with each other. I had emailed "C" after talking to her, telling him I found out he was in Iraq and that I hope he’s well.

Two days later I recieve a reply email back from him. Telling me to stay out of his life. He called me a disgusting pig and an embarassment to all women. That he only kept in touch all these years because he felt sorry for me, that he never really liked me. I was shocked and appauled!! I know he had to have BCC’d his wife to show her he sent it to me. I don’t know what happened. Don’t know when or how I became this negative person in his life. What happened to our friendship all these years? This woman he married changed him. He’s not the same person. not the same soul. I told Dave, my husband, how upset I was. I was hurt. He said I should just let him go. Regardless if he sent that for his wife’s eyes to see, it doesn’t change the fact that he hit that send button and said those horrible things.

Then the next day my MySpace, my photo albums, and my blog are all getting horrible comments and messages. I know it’s his wife acting like a child. She obtained the links through my email signature at the bottom of my original email to "C"  I told Dave what she was doing. Originally we were going to call her and tell her that if she leaves us alone, we’ll leave her alone. But then we thought why bother. So I’m letting him go. Who knows, maybe 5, 10 years from now, he will turn back into the "C" I knew and apologize. It’s hard losing a friend like that. Someone who I thought was very special and was a special part of my life. Those that knew of him (mom, my other friends) are all shocked.

So this is the new place. If you’re a regular reader, remember to change your blogroll with my new blag name and address. I still haven’t decorated the place. That’ll come in time. Thanks for following me over.

Happy Halloween

DSCF2243Our first Halloween in our new house. There were quite a few kids. More in this neighborhood than in our old neighborhood. We actually ran out of candy.

Dressed the twins up in their little Harley Davidson outfits. They received lots of “aww” and “how cute” comments. For me the best part of Halloween, is being the parent of a child that trick or treats. Gavin came home with quite a bit of Halloween loot and I’ve had a monster sweet tooth lately, so invading his loot after he goes to bed is the best part of Halloween in my book. Gavin dressed up as Darth  Vader. He couldn’t wait for Halloween to arrive. He’d been looking forward to it for over a month now. He just loves it. DSCF2240

Monopoly Anyone?


It’s that time again.  I don’t know what it is that draws me to play, but I am hooked every time. Maybe I think that this time I’ll get that rare game piece needed to collect some grand prize.  I even have my aunt saving her pieces for me. I always upsize my value meal so that I can get that extra bonus game piece. I’m obsessed I tell you. Whenever I eat in, I look around at other peoples meals and watch. I’m horrified when I see someone throw away their drink cup or sandwich box with game pieces on them. What if that was the winning game piece!?? Aack!! Thank goodness I still haven’t resorted to lurking around the McD’s garbage cans.

I seriously need to find other things to get me excited.

Special Dinner Guest

Tonight we had a super hero at our dinner table. He wore a black dracula cape, purple swimming goggles and batman underwear. That’s it, just those three things. Gotta love it!

Two Months

DSCF1919I can’t believe it’s been two months already.  Wow, did that go by fast.  I’ve finally managed to switch from taking it one hour at a time, to one day at a time.  I still need help on a daily basis.  My mother is beginning to get burnt-out, but still helps me as often as I need her.  She isn’t here around the clock anymore and usually stays home on Sundays.  My aunt has been pitching in as well.

Spoke to a woman in the mall the other day, she mentioned that her sister is expecting triplets.  First thing I thought and said was “wow, someone who will actually have it harder than I do.”  It takes a lot to get out the door with these two, but we try to at least once a week.  The twins hate being in their carseats.  My mother has to sit between them in the back of the van and comfort them the whole car ride. I’ll go crazy though, if I don’t get out of the house.  One day I actually watched the clock and I was on the couch for literally 12 hours straight.  The couch cushions, I think, are now molded to my ass.  My said that next year at this time, I’ll wish I had 5 minutes to sit on the couch. However, my rebuttal was that it’s not like I’m relaxing while sitting on the couch for 12 hours straight.

Being out in public and the attention baby twins brings on is more than what I thought it would be.  I hear the novelty really begins to wear off after the first year.  But so far, if I had a dollar for every time I’ve muttered “yes, they’re twins” or “yes, they’re identical,” I’d be a rich woman.  Oh and I’ve learned that everyone knows someone who’s had twins.  Or my favorite.. the pure look of sympathy I get from other parents of multiples who’ve been where I am.

Gavin started preschool a few weeks ago. He’s doing well.  He goes twice a week for 2 hours.  My takes him those 2 days.  The poor kid is so attention starved.  I think a new baby has got to be easier on a 2 year old than on a 4 year old; a 4 year old is so much more aware of what’s going on.  He’s been the king for so long and it’s been a huge adjustment for him.  The other day he was playing in the backyard and I heard him ask the mailman to stop and talk to him.  I feel so sorry for him.  I probably miss him as much as he misses me.  It was just the two of us for 4 and a half years.  Everyone tries to make sure he gets some one on one time.  And at least twice a week I read him his bedtime story and tuck him in bed.

So, the twins had their 2 month check up today.  Blake weighed in at 13lbs 10oz, and Brady at 13lbs 9oz, both measured 24 inches.  They’re in the 90th percentile.  Way to grow boys! Way to grow!

Oh, and yesterday was mine and Dave’s 4th wedding anniversary. Neither one of us found the time to buy even a card for one another.  S’okay though. Happy Anniversary dear.

They’ve arrived!!

DSCF1684Sorry it’s taken me so long… these first few days at home have been, well, rough. The twins are already a week old today. I can honestly say now that having one newborn would be soooooo easy right now.. LOL  We closed smoothly on our new house the Monday before they were born.  I bet the ink wasn’t even dry on the closing papers and we were already moving stuff in.  We’ve been blessed with family and friends helping us out trememdously. I don’t know what we would have done without them.

Every free moment I have, I find myself juggling with priority. Do I organize my linen closet, or sift through a box or two.  Do I catch up on email and blogging, or do I try and catch a couple winks myself.  Or maybe I could take a shower that lasts longer than just a wet down.

So, while I have maybe a moment or two, I wanted to at least pop in and give you all the stats, and then more of a birth story later.

Baby A: Blake William, 7lbs 3oz, 20in, 8:25am
Baby B: Brady Cornell, 7lbs even, 20.5in, 8:26am

Yes, that’s right folks, that’s over 14 pounds of baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder I was soooo huge!! So far they appear to be indentical! Every feature one has, the other has. Dave still won’t let me cut off their id bands, he’s afraid we’ll mix them up. LOL

Breastfeeding is going, shall I say…. non-stop!!! Gavin is just ecstatic about his baby brothers, he loves them to death and is so proud of them. He calls them HIS babies.

Oh yeah, pictures, I suppose you all want to see more pictures, right? Here’s a link, Meet the Twins

Where I've Been

For well over a month now, Dave and I have been looking for a new house. It’s been one frustration after another. Wondering if we should wait till after the twins come.. or try an find something before they come. Will the babies come home to the house we’re in now? Or any new house we might find?? We’ve literally looked at over 30 houses in the last month. We found one a tad out of our price range, but we made an offer on it as an investment. The house was in a divorce battle, and our offer got so messed up, had to go through the courts and everything; it didn’t go through how we had hoped, and the counter offer set up through the courts was too far out of our price range. Another offer was coming through at that time and Dave and I needed to make a final decision. I told him, it obviously wasn’t meant to be, if our original offer had gone through, it was meant to be. I told him, we’ll just keep looking.

Most of my time online had literally been spent on realtor websites. Dave was beginning to get really depressed that that houses in our price range were just junk and needed too much work. So I spent one final evening online, got a little more picky/specific in my search criteria, and made sure no houses came up over our budget.

Last week we were shown 7 houses.. (yes big & fat with twins me was touring houses). My MIL is a realtor so it made things so much easier to look around. 2 of the 7 we didn’t even go in, the curb appeal alone (or lack there of I should say) told us it wasn’t even worth seeing the inside. Finally, the last house we looked at. It was the one. Truthfully, Dave and I liked a couple of the houses, but it was the last one that had everything we needed for our family. 4 bedrooms (2 upstairs, 2 downstairs).. 2 FULL bathrooms… yes 2 FULL bathrooms (one upstairs, one downstairs).. and an almost fully finished basement. Hardwood floors almost all throughout the house. Nice big covered porch. ALL appliances, including washer and dryer. But I just got a new dryer, and Dave promised me a new washer, so we’re switching those out, and the fridge. I like the side-by-side we have rather than the top freezer one in the new house, so those will be switched.

We put in an offer the next morning… and it was accepted the same day!!! And our offer was $12,000 less than the offer we put in on the first house.. and $20,000 less than the counter offer we got back on the first house too. It’s move in ready!! TOTALLY SPOTLESS!!! Not a speck of mold in either bathroom!! All the hardwood has been refinished, every room freshly painted, and a new laminate floor in the kitchen. I love it!!! We hope to close on Monday!!!!!

I’m so excited!! Now, if we can just close on Monday, and the twins hold out till the scheduled c-section next Friday, we can hopefully bring them home to a new house!!! Talk about cutting it close. However, I’m still ready here in this house for the twins should they want to come early. I told Dave, we can talk all we want about how we’ll be able to bring the twins home to the new house BUT if they come on their own in the next 5-7 days, I had to be ready here.

SO… that’s what’s been going on, and what’s been occupying most of my time lately. So keep your fingers crossed for us that we have a smooth closing on Monday, and that the twins STAY PUT until c-section next Friday (the 27th).

Be sure and check out the recent belly pictures on my Belly Blog.

Shack Clutter