Happy New Year

Man am I bad at this or what? I’ve made a resolution to post at least twice a week. Not only for my loyal readers, but for myself as well. There’s so many things I’ve missed out on. Posts that would have been “posts to remember” had I just taken the time. Time.. time for what? I don’t have time these days. The twins were both sick over the holiday. Santa couldn’t even show up here until close to 2am because the babies were keeping us all up. The day after Christmas I took them to the doctor. They both had an ear infection and a sinus infection. Today was the last day of being on antibiotics.

The weeks leading up to Christmas, I kept arguing with my sister about her being here for Christmas Day. She’s in Indiana. She moved away 4 years ago and I hate being apart from her. She kept insisting that they couldn’t afford it this year. That she needed to work. Christmas Eve I talked to her and told her to please come, that she needed to be here for Christmas, needed to be ‘home’ for Christmas. We cried. She wasn’t coming until the day after Christmas.

Dave and I took Gavin and our sick little guys to Dave’s moms for a fantastic Christmas dinner and gathering. Then we went to my moms for more Christmas fun, including what will be the first annual ornament exchange. We went home with the ugliest ornament ever. I tell you that one’s going back in the exchange next year. As soon as I got to my moms, my older son told me to follow him to his room so that he could show me what he got for Christmas. His bedroom door was shut. He opens the door, and standing there is my sister. I screamed. I hugged. I cried. She surprised me. Everyone knew she was coming, it was all a secret behind my back. It was great though that she was here. I swear she’s my soul mate.

Dave and I did manage to get out for New Years Eve. Thanks to my mom and my aunt Susan. We didn’t get out the door til after 10pm, but it was nice to get out nonetheless.

Happy New Year to everyone. I hope 2008 is a year fulll of love, family, faith and happiness for everyone. Below is our Christmas Holiday Card picture. The hands you see are my moms and aunts holding up the babies while I took the picture. My mom helped to hand make the elf hats out of felt. I’ll have to post more from this photo shoot later. Oh, and we also “elfed ourselves.”

Xmas_07a Elfed_fam2

4 Months

Sunday marked the official end of another NaBloPoMo, another failure on my attempt that’s for sure. However, I did do somewhat better than I did last year. Last year I think I posted twice the whole month. This year a whopping 13 posts for the month. That’s almost a record for me really. The toughest part for me was not wanting to make every post be about the babies. But in reality, that’s all I got for now. The babies.

Speaking of babies. They went in for their 4 month well-baby visit. I can’t believe it’s already been 4 months. The first year is already a third of the way over. Anyway, for the first time since I was just 11 week pregnant, they are significantly different in weight. They’ve always been within 2 or 3 ounces of each other.  Blake tipped the scale at a whopping 17 pounds 5 ounces. He is huge folks, huge.  Brady is 11 ounces under him at 16 pounds 10 ounces.  Both are above the 90th percentile. It amazes me how big they are getting.


10 Years Older

Mothering 4 month old twins and a preschooler has finally taken it’s toll. I really looked at myself in the mirror today. It wasn’t pretty. It’s not that I haven’t looked at myself the past 4 months, I suppose I’m not really paying attention. But today I did. I look like I’d be one of those women on the TLC show 10 Years Younger. I swear they tell these women to not wear any make-up or even put a brush through their hair before appearing on the show. They’re always wearing sweats and torn t-shirts. I watch that show and think, my gawd, these women can’t look like this every day, they’re just playing it up for the show. Then I saw my reflection in the mirror. I.am.those.women. I’d take a picture and post it, but I’m to embarrassed. Oh and I’m losing my hair. I know it’s probably just a post-pregnancy symptom. But literally handfuls of hair come out when I brush it.

We have a wedding to go to on Dec 8th. It’s one of Dave’s guy friends getting married. All his friends will be there. Most of them will be seeing me for the first time since early in my pregnancy. I’m hoping I can let go of the mommy hat for one evening and be the sexy self I used to be, even if for just one evening. This means I’ll have to shave my legs. Oh, I’ve got to plan this one out.

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone has a wonderful Turkey Day tomorrow. I’m looking forward to going over to my mother-in-laws. I’m such a family oriented person and I absolutely love my in-laws. Anyway, don’t eat too much!

Streets Are Safe Once Again

There has been reason for great caution and concern since October around here in my neighborhood. There has been 2 rapes. This rapist targets women who are home alone and attacks them while their children witness the act. One woman was attacked as she came home from taking her baby for a walk.

It was announced on the news today that the guy has been caught. They are absolutely positive he is the perpetrator.  It is such a relief that this creep is behind bars.

Happy Birthday to Me

So as I type this, I am exactly thirtytwenty-nine years and 19 hours old. All in all it wasn’t a bad birthday. My mother-in-law took Gavin for the day, which is so much help considering I have the twins to tackle. My mother and aunt came over and took me to lunch at Chili’s, it’s one of my favorite places to go. The twins slept in their car seats pretty much the whole time. Then my mom and I went to this new store that just opened up, Garden Ridge it’s pretty much like this huge warehouse full of stuff for the home, mostly home decor. We picked up a new area rug for our living room.

I received a great gift from the men in my life and that is a gift certificate to Mystique Day Spa. I can either spend it all on one big spa package including a massage, facial, pedicure, etc. Or I can use it in spurts for a pedicure here and maybe a facial another time, make it last longer. Not sure what I’ll do.

My mom has been diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy. It’s affected the left side of her face. Not a fun thing. It can take three to six months for her to fully get her face back. She has to constantly exercise so that those nerves don’t get lazy and forget how to control her face. She was having difficulty eating her pita sandwich at lunch. She has to continuously blink her eye by hand. We [my aunt and I] tried to make light of it all with her and have dubbed her "right side."  I had to laugh my ass of at one point. We had walked into the store and she wanted to put on some surgical tape over her eye to tape it shut and put her patch on. I pointed out an aisle of mirrors so that she could see what she was doing. She went on ahead. As I caught up and approached where she was, she was just putting her eye patch back on and she lost grip of it and it snapped her in the face. I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. I was laughing so hard, I was crying. Mom said she almost peed her pants from laughing. It was hysterical.

Sweet Ending

I am really horrible at this post every day thing.  Seriously, the last few days, any free time I’ve had in the evening after the boys are in bed, I end up falling asleep on the couch. I wake up and think, “Darnit, there’s another day gone by I didn’t post.”  That’s pretty pathetic of me isn’t it? But it’s like my connection to the outside world these days, considering that I don’t get off the couch much with 3 month old twins constantly attached to me.

Dave had Monday off and had asked me a couple days earlier if I minded if he went golfing. I didn’t mind really but when I had been having a bad day, I was literally jealous that he could do those things. He said, as most men would, that he doesn’t want me to hold it over his head. WHAT??!! I told him I just wanted him to understand. He even mentioned that it didn’t seem right for him to go. But he did. And it’s okay. My time will come.

In other news, my mom came back from my sisters with a box of Peanut Butter Patties. If you’re a fan of said Peanut Butter Patties, then you know what I’m talking about. You can’t get them in stores, that is unless they’re bought from a little girl wearing green, sitting at a card table in front of the store. Oh did they ever hit the spot and satisfy the lingering sweet tooth I had. Thanks Mom and thanks to my neice, Chelsey, the Girl Scout.


Picture Day

As I mentioned yesterday, we [myself and my mom] took the twins to Sears to get their 3 month photo taken [though technically they’re 3.5mos]. I was nervous, they probably sensed that. Whenever my mom and I take them out it’s always a chore, always. This time they were quiet and slept during the car ride there. Once in the mall, they were still sleeping. Normally they are fussy and anxious to get out of their carseats [which are part of the whole stroller travel system] and mom and I have to carry them and the stroller becomes a carry-all with no babies in it. So this time we HAVE to take them out of the carseats and wouldn’t you know it, they are sound asleep. They’re always so suspicious at any stranger. One of the photographers got to close to attempt to make friends and Brady instantly started screaming. We did manage to get a couple cute shots with decent faces, but this one truly describes how the whole ordeal went. Hoping the 6 month picture goes better. We’ve got 3 months to prepare.

Slacking Off

I’m actually at a loss for words today. It’s kind of hard to come up with new and interesting things to type about. Especially when things are pretty much routine and uneventful around here.

We did take the twins to Sears for their 3 month photo session. They did well for the most part. I can tell that they are going to be real home-bodies. They are never very comfortable anywhere else. Last Sunday we were all at my cousins for my niece’s birthday party. Neither Blake or Brady were comfortable with anyone holding them but myself, my mom or my aunt. Blake pretty much had this constant whine about him. Once we were home and they were out of their carseats, they were nothing but all smiles. They just like being at home, where it’s familiar. It was the same today.

I can’t believe I’m slacking on this NaBloPoMo stuff. Most of the time it’s just getting the time to sit down at the computer. Last night after my mom and I put the twins down for the night and then she went home, I had planned on catching up here. I ended up falling asleep on the couch. I woke up and it was almost 3am and I could hear one of the babies on the baby monitor so I had to head upstairs to tend to him and go to bed.

I really do love this quiet time of mine. It’s a few hours of the 24 hour day that I get to just be me. Ahh.~

It's Official

I’ve had the domain www.sniggleshack.com for quite sometime now. The name comes from my husbands nickname when he was a kid. His grandma used to call him "Snig" because he loved to snuggle and was also very wiggly. So the name stuck. And whenever we’re all cuddled up together, we all snuggle and wiggle, we sniggle.

Shack Clutter