Two Months

DSCF1919I can’t believe it’s been two months already.  Wow, did that go by fast.  I’ve finally managed to switch from taking it one hour at a time, to one day at a time.  I still need help on a daily basis.  My mother is beginning to get burnt-out, but still helps me as often as I need her.  She isn’t here around the clock anymore and usually stays home on Sundays.  My aunt has been pitching in as well.

Spoke to a woman in the mall the other day, she mentioned that her sister is expecting triplets.  First thing I thought and said was “wow, someone who will actually have it harder than I do.”  It takes a lot to get out the door with these two, but we try to at least once a week.  The twins hate being in their carseats.  My mother has to sit between them in the back of the van and comfort them the whole car ride. I’ll go crazy though, if I don’t get out of the house.  One day I actually watched the clock and I was on the couch for literally 12 hours straight.  The couch cushions, I think, are now molded to my ass.  My said that next year at this time, I’ll wish I had 5 minutes to sit on the couch. However, my rebuttal was that it’s not like I’m relaxing while sitting on the couch for 12 hours straight.

Being out in public and the attention baby twins brings on is more than what I thought it would be.  I hear the novelty really begins to wear off after the first year.  But so far, if I had a dollar for every time I’ve muttered “yes, they’re twins” or “yes, they’re identical,” I’d be a rich woman.  Oh and I’ve learned that everyone knows someone who’s had twins.  Or my favorite.. the pure look of sympathy I get from other parents of multiples who’ve been where I am.

Gavin started preschool a few weeks ago. He’s doing well.  He goes twice a week for 2 hours.  My takes him those 2 days.  The poor kid is so attention starved.  I think a new baby has got to be easier on a 2 year old than on a 4 year old; a 4 year old is so much more aware of what’s going on.  He’s been the king for so long and it’s been a huge adjustment for him.  The other day he was playing in the backyard and I heard him ask the mailman to stop and talk to him.  I feel so sorry for him.  I probably miss him as much as he misses me.  It was just the two of us for 4 and a half years.  Everyone tries to make sure he gets some one on one time.  And at least twice a week I read him his bedtime story and tuck him in bed.

So, the twins had their 2 month check up today.  Blake weighed in at 13lbs 10oz, and Brady at 13lbs 9oz, both measured 24 inches.  They’re in the 90th percentile.  Way to grow boys! Way to grow!

Oh, and yesterday was mine and Dave’s 4th wedding anniversary. Neither one of us found the time to buy even a card for one another.  S’okay though. Happy Anniversary dear.

4 Responses to “Two Months”

  • Wow, I can’t even imagine how tired you are. I am exhausted just reading about it. Sounds like things are starting to fall into place and your begining to create a routine which I am sure will help the chaos of your day. Thank God for moms right? I was so thankful my mom was willing/eager to help me out when I first brought Fynn home. I think I would have lost my mind. (and that was only one baby).

    They are adorable by the way.

    Blessings all the way around!


  • wow. your belly was huge.
    it sounds so hard having twins.
    and Gavin asking the mailman to talk is so ADORABLE
    what a sweetie.
    he will be a great big brother.
    good for you!
    i believe it’ll get easier on everyone.
    and its great how your mothers are helping out!

    thats all.

  • and happy anniversary!

  • TJ:

    Thank you for the update. I have been checking back periodically to see how life has been with the twins. One was plenty for me. I admire you. Take Care Jennifer.


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